TSX Sex Toys are the creative minds behind The Hulk, and now we have added it to the Peaches and Screams collection of black dildos.

The Hulk is an incredibly sized dildo, and is full of texture for extra stimulation. It’s long and thick and will bring you intense pleasure. It is comfortable in your own hand so, you can enjoy some amazing alone time, or in your partner’s hand to add another pleasure dimension. www.milkcasino.com s made from a phthalate free PVC, which is body safe, non toxic, and waterproof. You can use The Hulk in the bath or shower. It can be used vaginally or anally, so it’s suitable for both men and women.

The Hulk is an eleven inch dildo with an insertable length of nine inches. It’s three inches in width at its slimmest point and three and a quarter inches wide at the widest point. It has a minimum circumference of nine inches and a maximum circumference of nine and three quarter inches. It has a little flexibility to make insertion easier, and can bend up to forty five degrees.

If you have little or no experience with toys, then you might want to begin your experience to incredible orgasm with one of our smaller toys. This will help make sure that you are relaxed and ready for The Hulk. Always use plenty of personal lube, and clean the toy well with hot soapy water and a cleaning solution. Let it air dry before storing. We have a range of lubes and cleaners that are completely safe to use with toys.